Note Worthy

•June 13, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Listen to the music,
Always hear the music,
Only stop to hear the vibrations of my voice,
And even then,
Listen to the music.

Hear the music always,

Even where there is no sound to be heard,

Create the music,
It’s the music that will save us.
This is the music I hear for you. “


Most of my life, and ever new day, I will hear the music. It is the driving force of my motivation, creation, exploration. I listen to music always, Id prefer to listen to music I can’t stand or am sick of, just to fill the absence of. I find that if you search around the entire world, there is a song for someone. Much music so easy to find at glance of most computers, yet there are still so many people who never have their ears open. Music is emotion through projection with the use of all kinds of tools. The most powerful tool man has, imagination. Music exists always, in silence and noise. Ever sound carries a frequency and every frequency is melding together to create rhythm, melody, and more important a hook.

Music has been mankind’s greatest discovery, the most universal language. Music has shown me life around the world during every memorable time period. I have experienced the emotions of thousands of lifetimes in a quarter of a lifetime. I will never be without music,  every new day to seek out and make music to cast into the air and reverberate through the clouds until it rains down and hydrates more of humanity.

I urge everyone to take steps in their live that will create a different note day by day until their lives too are filled with song for the world to sing to.  I will always keep my ears open, and I wont stop listening, not even in my sleep. Even death is music, such a vintage taste to be savored at the rarest  of occasion.

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Something to think about…

•March 13, 2011 • Leave a Comment


When time is gifted to us a sunrise we absorb it’s rays and blossom.
No plant will ever be granted the chance to sun if they grow towards it.
Shall the leaves dance strong in the winds of time and be given a chance to fly?
Can we find the strengths in our roots betwixt the grounding forces and the sky?

To survive we must grow and root into the sky.

Come Home…

•November 7, 2010 • 3 Comments

Home in my arms...


Music accompaniment :Appassionata by Secret Garden

To Her,

It has been 32 years since I last saw you… and since then time has stood still…

This world… is a horrible place…I have spent many years defining this judgment…Watching humanity day in and day out bear its fangs of every sin possible. It will never change, every day the cogs will crank and those whom oversee them will be there to witness its progression…Or so it would seem. I have watched many seasons pass and with each one humanity is twisted and bruised as each has its way with this world. Humanity has only proven to be as fragile as porcelain, we do nothing but try to keep us from breaking thus most of us are kept where nothing can harm us. The innocent become trapped into the minds that hold the only key to freedom and their lives have trickled down their paths never reaching their absolute end. When I was younger I wanted nothing more to be amongst the innocent, until i realized the innocent can only live the lives others lay out in front of them. Every heartbreaking day I realized: in order to live my life I have to break away from humanity as of  most of its inhabitants. Unlike many I have never driven myself towards paths of selfishness and monetary gain, with ideas of dominance, because of this my life has never been much a graceful one. I left in search of different sun, a new sky, an endless horizon…I have yet found such a place, and I’m sure now I never will.

I have been a fool for so many years… I have been broken for many more. I should have never left you… It will forever be my biggest regret, one that has kept me up during many nights (months before you even knew my intentions). We loved each other so much, for 32 years your lullaby has been the only song in my heart. But even in my sleep the emptiness was louder than any city streets. You always told me to never leave you, and I always told you I would never be to far from you;  I truthfully always needed you at my side….Your love was the only thing left I was able to feel. Did you mean it when you told me: I will walk this earth till I find you, until my final breath, and even then I will find you again…? That day when I left, where you able to be strong even though you were broken? Have you been searching for me all this time? Or has someone come along to mend the broken pieces of your heart? I hope you have seen through your tears, and I hope the world saw you smile since then…As I write this letter I can hear your voice echoing on the wind that bustles over this wondrous valley.

Each sunrise I stand peering over the horizon watching the sun glaze the land in its warmth, like those times I shared with you. Each day I wait for you to join me again to watch the day greet the land, and I wait for you to help me bid the day fare well as the sun is chased away by the night; even now. I will make my final stay in the solitude of this tranquil valley; the highest hill with the tallest tree; my own personal latter to the sky. Yet even now, I have this cold feeling in my bones that even the sun can warm. When will you come home…? I stand waiting as this valley plays our songs that will change the face of this world… but without you around… what am I left to do? The sun’s burns orange and yawns over the land, a long pause in the sky as even the sun smiles as it reminisces on another whole day behind us. Even while humanity files away another day in a complex enigmatic existence, nothing will change this world. We will forever be a bruised and batter organism, our tomorrows will never expand past the sins we bear. Unless more of us, find what I have found, and eternal need to live for the soul purpose for at least one other; all I have ever done was live with you in my eyes. These eyes that gaze into the first star to glisten each night, in hopes that the love I have for you twinkle right into yours and will finally bring you back to me.

…Come home my love, these shaky bones have lost their allure whilst you’re not near.

…Come home…

…Your’s Forever…

Enter: The Body.

•August 5, 2010 • 1 Comment

I welcome though who have made it to my page, and others to come. I have long fought with making a “blog”, the time has seen true and end to that battle and here today(night) I stand before your very eyes; with words plucked freshly from the mind of another being whom seeks to pollinate the minds of others alike!

Now let me not already lose you in my theatrics and say, this will be the foundation and the forward momentum to my writing career!

I have discovered a lot of creativity in my blood over many years, with each year to  become increasingly difficult to deny. Whence the outlet for my sparks arrived, an audience was then hard to obtain… After much struggle with many people close to me whom have made very little out of the efforts in my creative prospects, I have now found a new confidence and will pursue a very important goal.

With that being said, I have a lot in store for those whom give some of their time to view. I have two main directives: 1, to publish my poetry; 2, strengthen my journalistic skills. My other motive is that: through my extents, I will illuminate the minds of others and be able to find more about myself in those whom find solace in my words. I shall be posting my words at a leisure only I could create, do anticipate some of the most tantalizing factors of my life through the filters of my mind and soul. I look forward to receiving all kinds of feedback, as well as making some new friends along the way!